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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

SERVPRO Cleanup During the COVID-19 Outbreak

3/23/2020 (Permalink)

With each passing day during the COVID-19 global health crisis, the importance of adhering to rigorous disinfecting procedures becomes increasingly important. With no current vaccine available for the virus, the only way to mitigate its spread is by avoiding contact with others whenever possible. 

The federal government and states across the country have already taken drastic, never-before enacted measures to slow the spread of COVID-19, such as shutting down restaurants, workplaces and other public establishments. Unfortunately, many industries in the US are essential to the overall function of the country and the survival of its population.

For businesses that require continued operations that may not fully comply with the Center for Disease Control’s COVID-19 prevention guidelines, extra steps should be taken to reduce the possibility of infection. This includes a thorough disinfection of any and all surfaces that may have come in contact with humans or may have been contaminated with droplets from an infected person. 

The virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, has demonstrated exceptional capabilities insofar as its ability to survive on many types of surfaces for prolonged periods of time. Scientists from the National Institute of Health, CDC, UCLA and Princeton University found that SARS-CoV-2 remains stable on cardboard for 24 hours, and plastic and stainless steel for up to 3 days. 

Because of COVID-19’s formidable survivability, it is highly recommended that workspaces and residences that are at risk of spreading the virus invoke expert assistance from sanitation professionals like those at SERVPRO of Aurora. Our years of experience providing biohazard cleanup and restoration services has uniquely prepared us to tackle this challenge, and we possess the proper equipment, knowledge and professional service team to assist us in that goal.

For starters, SERVPRO of Aurora only uses cleaning products that meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s criteria for use against emerging viral pathogens, including coronaviruses. While there is no current verifiable product tested for the COVID-19 strain, the CDC currently recommends usage of a hospital-grade disinfectant that abides by these criteria and is known to be effective against similar viral pathogens. 

In addition to our cleaning and disinfecting services, SERVPRO of Aurora has taken steps internally to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amongst our staff. These include more frequent cleanings of SERVPRO equipment and facilities, prohibiting sick employees from working, and ensuring that all relevant and updated information regarding the virus is shared promptly and in full to the team.

As the situation develops, SERVPRO of Aurora will continue to comply with all standards and protocols set forth by the CDC regarding COVID-19. In the meantime, we ask our customers to be conscientious and do their part during this tumultuous time by continuing to wash their hands often and to practice social distancing whenever possible.

If your home or business is in need of a deep clean or disinfecting, be it COVID-19 related or otherwise, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Aurora today. Our team is standing by and ready to assist in this fight!

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