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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

When Mold Growth is Prevalent in Your Home

8/16/2018 (Permalink)

Mold Growth


While it is important to know when to call in a professional mold remediation team, there are a couple things you can do yourself to get rid of mold if it’s in a small area:

  1. Locate the Mold: Remember that mold spreads, so be sure to check all rooms in your home including, especially dark and damp areas like the basement. Be sure to also check under the carpeting, flooring and behind wallpaper or drywall.
  2. Get Rid of Moldy Materials: Materials that cannot be cleaned and salvaged need to be disposed of. This includes wood, drywall, carpets or anything else that is growing mold. Use safety gear such as gloves, masks, and goggles before handling moldy items.

If the mold infestation is on a larger scale, a professional mold remediation team will likely do the following, in addition to getting rid of moldy items:

  1. Use Commercial Equipment to Dry Out the Affected Area: It’s important to get your home dried out your home as much as possible, since mold thrives in wet and humid environments. Professionals will use air movers, dehumidifiers and HEPA air scrubbers that work together to eliminate moisture and dry out the air and surfaces. They’ll also wear safety gear like gloves, a mask and eye goggles.
  2. Prepare the Room to Contain the Mold Problem: Mold spores can instantly become airborne. To avoid this, professionals will seal off the affected area before they get to work. They’ll use tape and plastic sheets to seal off doorways and vents.
  3. Establish Negative Air Pressure: Establishing negative airflow in the sealed room using an air mover ensures airflows in but not out. Once the area has been sealed using plastic sheets and tape, professionals can poke a small hole in the plastic and insert an air mover duct attachment through the hole and seal it with duct tape. This negative air pressure further prevents mold spores from escaping into the rest of your home.
  4. Use Fungicide on Remaining Materials: If there are any materials that can be salvaged and will remain in the room then it is important to thoroughly clean them. A fungicide product can ensure all the mold spores are removed and that there is no opportunity for a recurrent infestation. Any buildings materials that cannot be cleaned or removed such as porous surfaces should have a fungicide applied to them.
  5. Finish Repairing the Room: Once the moldy materials have been removed and the area has been thoroughly cleaned, any necessary repairs from the water can mold damage can be completed. This may include flooring, carpeting or drywall repairs.

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